Businesses are unique and so are their requirements. What might be working for one entity might not necessarily be the optimal way for the other. It takes great expertise to find the right balance and layout the necessary roadmap.

At HAR Group, we make sure businesses have the capability of understanding their internal procedures in a graphical representation and provide organizations with the ability to communicate these procedures in a standard manner. The graphical representation would also facilitate an understanding of the performance collaborations and business transactions between the organizations ensures that businesses understand themselves and all the participants in their entirety. This would further enable organizations to adjust to new internal and B2B business circumstances quickly. The execution takes place by analyzing the already existing underlying workflows and re-engineering the business process by factoring in people, processes and technology to ensure optimal efficiency.

We firstly review foundations of Business Process Modeling (BPM) and the Decision Model (DM) to establish the basis for the conceptual understanding of BPM and DM. With these theoretical basis, then a model would be proposed where the Decision Model would be integrated with the Business Process Model to meet the decision making needs.

Lastly, the implications of this model are discussed with directions for further research. Business Process Modeling helps in improving organizational efficiency by either helping in making the business processes more efficient or in automation of the said business processes.

Why Choose HAR Group for Business Process Optimization?

Centralized Repository

HAR Group ensures a reliable and scalable central repository for developing and capturing multiple Business Processing artifacts for a central source of facts to HAR Group with teams, business units and senior leaders.

Role-Based Visibility

Stakeholders are given access to only the particular information they require by having tailored, role-based views from the central repository.

Impact Analysis

Explore Business Process Model elements, links and dependencies to oversee change with quick and easy impact analysis through heatmaps, reports and graphs.

Enterprise Collaboration

It enhances cross-functional and enterprise collaboration to reveal critical insights for faster, more informed decision-making that lead to successful business outcomes.

Consulting Services

Our Business Process Engineers will apply their vast domain expertise to assess your current operations to help you plan and implement the necessary improvements required.

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